(A Danielle Post)
"Did I not tell you that if you believed , you would see the glory of God?"
I heard this verse in a sermon about a month ago and have been meditating on it ever since. I was not sure why it struck me like it did, but it did. Then today, in my quiet time it hits me! The understanding comes full circle. Just as a side note i want to say i hate it when people "proof text" or just take one verse from the bible and make up a meaning for it. Then apply it wrongly, forsaking the context and its right meaning. I hope i am not doing this. I don't think i am, but then again I am not a bible scholar. So bare with me friends.
The story surrounding this verse is Lazarus death, his sisters and friends mourning and then his life being restored, by the Restorer and Creator of Life; Jesus. What was so striking to me was Mary and Martha's doubt in Christ's COMPLETE control. Just because Christ had not been there when Lazarus fell ill does not guarantee that Lazarus would not have died. That is in fact what the sisters believed.
Isn't that what people think all the time. "Well, if there really is a God then why does he allow these horrible things (natural disasters, terrorists, death, poverty etc) to happen?" Or my personal favorite; the Christian thinking: "If I had just read my bible more or prayed more, than BLANK would have happened!" Let me say this, in my conviction; Christ is NOT a magical genie. We do not put a token in and get what we want out of Him, but isn't this how we treat Him? God says we do not have because we do not ask. "Ask and it will be given to you." Luke 11:9a.
I think our problem is not in the asking, but the believing, while we're asking, and in the motives behind the asking.
Notice again in the verse: "Did i not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God."
Mary and Martha knew that Jesus could prevent Lazarus death, so they wanted him to do it. I'm sure their motives were to see their brother again, but Jesus' were to glorify himself.
Just like Martha and Mary, I know who Jesus is, I know what he's about. I know I can come to Him and He can radically answer prayer, but my problems lies in my belief and motives behind my prayers. The verse above convicts me because my end goal in a certain prayer i've been praying for is NOT for God's Glory. I knew in the back of my mind that He would be glorified by the outcome, but that was not my main reason behind asking. However, from this verse i see it should be. I should ask for God's glory to be shown rather than an outcome to come true; therefore making our own glory known. Which i believe is exactly what Christians do.
My problem is two fold. 1. I do not believe that God alone can answer my prayer. Me plus a bunch of "good Christian stuff", plus God answers prayer...WRONG! And 2. I wanted my glory (whether I am willing to admit it) to be displayed FIRST and then the Lords. DEAD WRONG AGAIN!!
My prayer is not sinful, but my motives were. I should be asking to see the GLORY OF THE LORD DISPLAYED. I believe that He can change any and all circumstances at and by His will, not MY OWN. I cannot control this...or anything for that matter. The sooner i start believing God and His power, he promises that not only will he roll away the rock hiding the answer of my prayer, but more importantly His Glory will be SEEN! What a far better thing to ask for and receive.
"Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God." John 11:40
"Did I not tell you that if you believed , you would see the glory of God?"
I heard this verse in a sermon about a month ago and have been meditating on it ever since. I was not sure why it struck me like it did, but it did. Then today, in my quiet time it hits me! The understanding comes full circle. Just as a side note i want to say i hate it when people "proof text" or just take one verse from the bible and make up a meaning for it. Then apply it wrongly, forsaking the context and its right meaning. I hope i am not doing this. I don't think i am, but then again I am not a bible scholar. So bare with me friends.
The story surrounding this verse is Lazarus death, his sisters and friends mourning and then his life being restored, by the Restorer and Creator of Life; Jesus. What was so striking to me was Mary and Martha's doubt in Christ's COMPLETE control. Just because Christ had not been there when Lazarus fell ill does not guarantee that Lazarus would not have died. That is in fact what the sisters believed.
Isn't that what people think all the time. "Well, if there really is a God then why does he allow these horrible things (natural disasters, terrorists, death, poverty etc) to happen?" Or my personal favorite; the Christian thinking: "If I had just read my bible more or prayed more, than BLANK would have happened!" Let me say this, in my conviction; Christ is NOT a magical genie. We do not put a token in and get what we want out of Him, but isn't this how we treat Him? God says we do not have because we do not ask. "Ask and it will be given to you." Luke 11:9a.
I think our problem is not in the asking, but the believing, while we're asking, and in the motives behind the asking.
Notice again in the verse: "Did i not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God."
Mary and Martha knew that Jesus could prevent Lazarus death, so they wanted him to do it. I'm sure their motives were to see their brother again, but Jesus' were to glorify himself.
Just like Martha and Mary, I know who Jesus is, I know what he's about. I know I can come to Him and He can radically answer prayer, but my problems lies in my belief and motives behind my prayers. The verse above convicts me because my end goal in a certain prayer i've been praying for is NOT for God's Glory. I knew in the back of my mind that He would be glorified by the outcome, but that was not my main reason behind asking. However, from this verse i see it should be. I should ask for God's glory to be shown rather than an outcome to come true; therefore making our own glory known. Which i believe is exactly what Christians do.
My problem is two fold. 1. I do not believe that God alone can answer my prayer. Me plus a bunch of "good Christian stuff", plus God answers prayer...WRONG! And 2. I wanted my glory (whether I am willing to admit it) to be displayed FIRST and then the Lords. DEAD WRONG AGAIN!!
My prayer is not sinful, but my motives were. I should be asking to see the GLORY OF THE LORD DISPLAYED. I believe that He can change any and all circumstances at and by His will, not MY OWN. I cannot control this...or anything for that matter. The sooner i start believing God and His power, he promises that not only will he roll away the rock hiding the answer of my prayer, but more importantly His Glory will be SEEN! What a far better thing to ask for and receive.
"Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God." John 11:40