Update Time....

Posted on Monday, November 17, 2008, under

Nothing really too new to get excited about, but really more of the same. However, since we have this blog and I have not written in like three years i felt it necessary to give some updates....even if there are few... Ok, here goes it..

And we love it! What a wonderful display of a truly biblical church that not only seeks to be correct in the importance of right doctrine and biblical teachings, but MOST important this church lives to share the gospel of Jesus Christ! Without receiving grace and continual sanctification through the gospel a right theology is worthless. We are blessed to have found both in this church. We LOVE it here. We feel authentically loved by a body that truly does seek to honor Jesus in all that it does. Praise the Lord for answered prayer, bc that was definitely a huge request about a year ago when we officially decided to move to Louisville.

Like this is really a huge shocker to most of you all. However, i am very please to report (he is going to hate this) he is doing really well in his classes. I am so proud of his diligence to see his work as a spiritual discipline. He is really enjoying learning new things and allowing sound teaching to sharpen the things he already knew. With about a week to go in Bryan's first semester I think he would definitely appreciate your prayers for his finals. He is going to enjoy this much needed break after finals. Pray for rest and renewal. Thankfully, Bryan really managed his time well. We pray this pattern to continue in our years here.

3.) Sunglass Hut is still standing....
Ironically, i have been encouraged during this time of economic uncertainty...especially in the retail world. It is, however depressing to see all these stores close...even in my affluent, snobby mall (it is). However, thanks to Gods continued providence in my life....my store continues to do well. I am so thankful for his watchful care over me regarding finances and actually being in work. A job where i can use some of the gifts he has gifted me in. I pray that I would reflect Christ in all of my conversations with ppl as the come to my store. That they would receive more than great customer service and sunglass knowledge...but that they would be enticed by the spirit of our Lord. May my conversations be salty and His light blinding. Isnt that why we are here anyway? My treasures cannot be in my earthly possessions and worldly comforts. Moth and rust surely will find it and destroy. My hope is in the unchangeable rock of my salvation! Thank you to my friends that have graciously helped me through my discontentment with my current career. I covet your prayers daily. Please pray with me to keep the focus on the gospel.

4.) Calvin is getting BIG!!!
He seems to have less of that puppy skinny look. He's "manning" up lately. He's beefy and gassy (not going to lie there) our poor friends can attest to that truth. Seriously though, he still has energy for days.....but seems to love the seminary campus and its hills. He gets exercise running up and down them, chasing sticks and getting caught pooping when mommy does not have a bag to pick it up. (Yes, we got caught!) He is still "hot and heavy" with Zoey. Shes the sassy black "lab" he's been pursuing for about three months now. She was "hard to get" in the beginning, but he won her over with the over-bite, excessive kisses (with tongue) and incessant games of tag through the trees. She seriously is the only dog that is faster than Calvin. He loves it too! Anyway, how ridiculous that i am blogging this much about our dog! We love him, what can we say! We just need to give him a baby to play with....he really needs kids to watch and love! (Lord willin')!

We are super thankful for Gods providence in graciously giving us many friendships here in Louisville. We already have great memories and a list of ppl that will forever be receiving Christmas cards, emails and yearly visits when our time here at Southern is over. But thankfully its just the beginning. So i will put the fruit baskets on hold and for now and continue to invite them over for food, tv, games and hopefully fun. We love you guys!

Thank you all for your prayer and continued support in the gospel. Please pray for continued unity for Bryan and I in all things. That I would submit and respect Bryan and that he would love me as Christ loves the Church. Pray that we would live out what we are learning here in the classroom. Pray also, that we would continually place our hope in the soverignty of our Lord Jesus Christ and not in this world or one another. Our goal is to live radically for the gospel and not for ourselves. Help us to "press on towards this goal" in the "race that was set before us" "running in perservance" with Christ, who because "of the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame" so that we, "who are more than conquerors" "will not grow weary or lose heart".

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4 Reply to "Update Time...."

  • Anonymous on November 18, 2008 at 10:37 AM

    Dude(ette)! You work at Sunglass Hut too?

    I would totally come buy something from you if I lived within like 300 miles :0)


    Josh Stringer on November 18, 2008 at 7:44 PM

    We love you too, and umm we'll take a fruit basket :)


    Josh Stringer on November 18, 2008 at 7:48 PM

    umm i just realized that i am on josh's computer and i was automatically logged in as him so if you thought that last we love you too comment was from him, it is from me.


    Anonymous on September 17, 2010 at 10:49 PM

    Cool website, I had not noticed thebaises.blogspot.com previously in my searches!
    Keep up the wonderful work!