Today I found myself lost in my thoughts. It can be a scary place, but this venture was quite pleasant. I was watching Bryan do his normal "Bryan-thing", which this time consisted of watching SNL skits with I-Pod earphones in his ears, laughing so loud that I think the Bednars down the street could hear his ridiculous cackle, when it hit me: I am going to be spending the rest of my life with this person.......
Don't be scared. I thought about that before I said yes to the diamond proposal, but today it was somehow different. It was good. It wasn't new, it was comfortable. I think one of the best compliments someone can give is to tell someone they feel "at home" or "comfortable" around them. It is my desire to have my home be comfortable, casual and relaxed. I grew up in a stuffy, clean and almost sterile environment where you didn't dare move a pillow or keep dirty socks on too long (don't even think about brining shoes into the house). I know some of my desires for organization and tidiness come from these beginnings, but I never want to reach the point of utter insanity that is my parents house.
Anyway, back to the point. Bryan is home. He and all his qwirks are my comfortable, safe, relaxed, easy, secure nook. I choose to say "nook" because I feel most at home when his long baseball pitcher arms are wrapped, tightly around me and my face is nestled in his neck. Every girl knows this spot on her man, and we love it! While I was watching him, I was trying to remember my life before I met him. When I was Danielle Centineo. I still remember, but when I do its like I am watching someone else's life. I had a hard time remembering what it felt like to be me, without Bryan and I must say I didn't like trying to picture life without him. Isn't it strange how someone can become so apart of you that you cannot remember the you that you were without them.
I love Bryan. Every last bit of him is what makes me, me. I like the me that begins with him. I am so thankful that the Lord brought us together young so that I can enjoy every last moment with him that makes this temporary home truly home. I can say with all honesty and sincerity I did not know home until I met Bryan. You may think this is sappy, but it truly is a testimony to my wonderful mate.
Enjoy some of these pictures from when we first started our journey together..........