Being Political...

Posted on Friday, August 29, 2008, under

Ok, its no secret that I (Danielle) know very little about politics. Its also no secret that I married (Bryan) the conservative lovin', friendly debate engaging, volunteer political analyst, Pro-Life, no fence riding conservative. Let me just state that when Bryan met me, I was on the fence about where i stood politically so much so that I did not even vote! I was under the impression that if i was so ignorant to policy and the people running, I had no right to vote. An un-informed vote was pathetic in my mind. So i didnt vote! Yes, yes I know...I was lectured, so no need to voice your complaints on my un-American behavior.

I do now however, exercise my right to vote and freedom of speech. I am a supporter of McCain and am excited to see what he has to say at the RNC. Bryan and I have been watching the DNC, bc we believe its important to be informed on all sides. I have to admit, I thought the DNC was pretty good. Obama is trying to separate himself from the current administration. He is doing it BIG! Oh my goodness, does he have huge audiences and popular celebrities backing his every move. As i predict many ppl will jump on this band wagon bc of the simple reason that everyone wants change and something sexy.

But change for the sake of change, is NO change at all! (As my husband says)
I am very eager to see what McCain and his new running mate (its rumored to be Gov. Palin) will bring to the table. Both tickets are firsts for our country. A young African American and seasoned VP vs. a seasoned POW with a uber conservative, young, (former sports anchor) WOMAN! How exciting. I know there has been a woman who has ran before for VP, but it would be a first to actually have a VP in office that is a woman. I think this is wonderful for our country.

Feel free to leave a comment on what you think. Please be nice, no hate comments. Ha!
Rock the vote baby!

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