Random Post....

Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2008, under

Just a few updates on how the Baises are fairing as of late...

1. Bryan is back in school after being out for a week after the "storm"....he's busy writing, reading and speaking Hebrew. We are a little bummed that he heard this new thing Starbucks is doing and possibly making their employees have open availability both Saturday and Sunday or be available 32 hours per week. If unable to meet these requirements they may not be eligible for employment; or so the rumor says....we shall soon find out. Who knows.

2. Calvin is seriously dating a sexy, black, lab...shes a little older than him and seems to be more "mature", but he's head- over- heels for her. Its our friend's Josh and Shana's (SHOUT OUT) dog, Zoey. They chase each other all over the hills of Southern's campus. I know he's in love based on some of the bone-headed (no pun intended) things he has done to impress her. Including throwing himself into a small pond of mud...rolling around and thus hurling his now dark, brown, dripping, un-tamed self in Zoeys general direction.....I think, in hopes of getting her attention. Listen up boys...we notice, and we're laughing at the lame, but cute things you do to impress us ladies. It even shows itself in male and female dogs. Hah. Stupid connection, but true story.

3. I am fighting a cold. I have good days and bad days...its kind of a strange cold. As soon as i think i am getting better I feel worse the next day. I hate being in any way "impaired", i.e. not operating on all cylinders. Don't we all? Any who...I am looking forward to a weekend off. Yippee!

4. In my professional life, my store has been on my companies top five list three times in past week! Once for being number two, number five and then number four. I was PUMPED!! Its a big company, so we did great! I have a wonderful team!! Yay sunglasses!

5. I will be glad when this election is over. Not to say i am not concerned what happens, but i am paying more attention to every thing said...and its ridiculous. I would guess that 70% of the crap said about each candidate is NOT related to their actual proposed attempt at being president. Its nuts. I am so sick of hearing the personal attacks. Thank goodness God is in control and bigger than all of this. He is sovereign, no matter who is in office. Don't be ignorant, but discerning in all things you are hearing...thats my small advice. :)

6. The office tonight was great. Couldn't be happier that Pam and Jim are engaged! Yay! I totally felt like close friends of mine got engaged. How sick is that? What does that say about my TV watching? Too much??? All i have to say is, I have not seen every episode, nor do i have the theme song as my ring tone (or have had it as my ring tone) like some ppl I know. You know who you are.

7. I got a smart phone. Which undoubtedly wont make me smarter, but stupider (see its already happening). You may be asking why? I have texted more in the past week than i have in the past four months! (Dont be mad bryan, when you get the bill! Love you) Seriously, texting is making me stupid. All the abbreviations....its short hand which i believe will eventually turn into our language. Our generation will look back and laugh because we knew a time before LOL , BRB and IDK. Side Bar: My mom thought LOL meant "Lots of Love". She was confusing her friends when she was signing all her emails: "LOL, Stacy"...they were wondering why she was always laughing out loud when she was sending emails about carpool and garden club meetings...Funny, sad and true! Gotta love her. Anyway, so if youre in my phone book , i apologize for the outrageous texting!

Prayer Requests:

Waking up in prayer
Staying ahead of studies
Finding time for his running
Applying what he is learning in real life ministry
Sharing gospel with coworkers

Waking up early (once recovered from the cold) to be in the word.
Prayer w/o ceasing
Anticipating Bryan's needs
Sharing the Gospel with co-workers

Thought you'd enjoy the randomness of our life...thats about it!

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